Question- Who doodles on the phone?
Ancwer - Nearly everyone I know.
I feel I need to change jobs, the one I am in is driving me mad. Its not that its difficult more that there are no calls to deal with during the summer and we literally sit staring at the phone in case some one calls. Sounds like a cushy job right? not so. we are not permitted to browse the internet while waiting, nor are we allowed to read a book or simalar, and my only method of retaining my sainty, doodling, has now been banned as well. so either I change jobs soon or slit my wrists from abject boredom.Its not even as if doodling was interfering with my job preformance, if it was I could understand a little better, no apparently its untidy. In an office where customers never actually appear and the place is falling apart anyway, I cant draw because its messy. personally I feel it may be more to do with the fact that out of the 10 people working here i am the only one who can draw and my doodles are generally recocnisable so perhaps its envy? its really annoying. The agent in questiuon who has made the decree is making my blood boil as is seems to be fine for her to sit and read Hello magazine but I cant doodle to keep myself alert. Bugger that.
Enough of my rant, it was something which had to be said somewhere and since no one reads
this its safe enough to leave my temper tantrum here.
Anyway, in other news....
I am hoping to start a sketch club in Northern Ireland, specifically within the Belfast/Bangor area, and i was out last night at a cafe in Bangor scoping it out as a prospective starting site, its good for the idea has nice big windows so that the next taregt can be spotted etc, however its a smallish place so a group of artists who buy 1 coffee each and then take over all the seating for the evening might not go down too well with the owners, a good and easily accessable starting place but not a venue. more research is needed. I'll post the sketches I did there once they are scanned, I was actualy happy with them for once. =)
Again for personal development I am thinking of doing a life drawing session this weekend, although not so sure if I should go to a class or just take myself down to the seafront here in Bangor, since the forcast is for a heat wave I might do that and save myself £40 quid from the lesson.

Also the sea front path has the most beautiful flowers at the moment, see photo for an example, this is one of the first ones out.

So this is an older sketch done with coloured pencils on a blue/grey page, Chicken Licken? can anyone remember the story of chicken licken? all i remember is the name. =)