Tuesday, December 26, 2006

boxing day

Happy Boxing Day! the day traditionally used to recover from eating vast quantitys over Christmas day =)

well a late Merry Christmas anyway, and looking forward to the New Year, I hope everyone has A good one =)

Todays image is a doodle from work i coloured this evening as practice. Comments are always welcome. =)

Catch you later Aligators. =)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

More Ipods

=) after playing with my ipod my mum has decided the are 'the bees knees' so I have pounced on the oppertunity to get a double present for her (christmas and her birthday in Jan) and have purchaced an Ipod Nano (Red) for her. she seems delighted with it and has been piling up CDs for me to put on it for her =) classical music etc... so what if i tunes is irratating, the pods themselves are cool.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


So I,ve been experimenting with my new Graphics tablet =) and I actually really like this scribbly colouring =P I think I'll play with it some more .

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Great Relax.

My first long weekend without anything major planned =) and it was great! although admittedly I didn't just sit around doing nothing, We Blitzed the house so we shouldn't have to do that again for a while. I arranged for a dog behaviourist to visit (later today actually) just to check if its something I'm doing wrong that's making Rosie bark so much, I've rebuild over 1/2 of my website and it should be online again by this evening =) long time no see or what! Additionally I have sorted out my room so that I can use the laptop in here in comfort (just testing the new layout this minute =P ) And lastly we finally put up the shelves we bought a few weeks ago. Its nice I feel like I really accomplished something this weekend.
So I didn't actually paint this this month, but I've not posted it yet and comments are always welcome. =) Its a sketch/watercolour of my dogs as I see them. Sam the white one is a bit of a scaredy cat but dos'nt like anyone to know, and Rosie (brown and fluffy) is the nosyest dog we have ever had, I swear she would jump off a clif just to see what was at the bottom. She has a bit of a barking problem that I'm hoping to sort out sooner rather than later.

Over and Out for now.

Ann aka Dragon.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

So my dog seems to be jealous of my laptop...

I don't know if thats common in Jack Russle types, But she definately has issues with something other than her taking up knee room. She keeps giving me baleful looks from the end of the bed.

So Im hoping to post some sketches from the Challenge this weekend, I'm going to scan them in tommorow and as long as they havent got something seriously wrong with them I'll post then afterwards.

In other News we raised £50 in a coffee morning for children in need today. which was a lot more than i expected as there are only 10 people in the office =D

Catch you laters Aligators!

Ann Aka Dragon.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Opinions Welcome!

Im posting this image with the hopes of feedback before I refine it, I have admittedly gotten a little carried away when colouring what is really a very rough sketch. I'm thinking I should expand the image to the left possibly doubling the width to make it more of a landscape shape, and add in the rest of the poker players and also the prize pile in the middle. A concept I like is to add all of the zodiac characters, although that could get cluttered. =/ anyway any suggestions are welcome and will be concidered during the later stages of the image. My personal Favourite is the Dragon, although the sheep has an interesting expression.

Catch you laters Aligators.

Ann AkA The Celtic Dragon.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Challenge?

I found this challenge in a few different places, but the one that
inspired me to have a go was on
'The Drawing Board' forums, see
This may take me some time as I have a few other commitments at
the moment as well, but I'd like to give it a go, just dont be
suprised if they end up being mostly sketched rather than finished
I have copied the rules and list from that forum post to here:
The Rules:
1. Make 100 pics each pic having a theme listed below. Each pic
should have ONE and only ONE theme to it, for it to count.
2. No time limit so have fun.
3. The main picture should be drawn but not limited to. For all
fair purposes, people are allowed to use their paint programs and
photo shop to create the pic.
3a. Pics should be of own artistic ability. You may not edit
photos, or break any other rules set out in the dA etiquette
policy. Your pics can be anything from sketches and doodles to
great master pieces. Just have fun with it.
4. The list below is to be placed somewhere in your journal for
others to see that: A) You are in the challenge B) What you have completed.
5. Make sure to update this list and check off what is done and
make a link to the pic.
6. In the comments for your art work note if it is part of the
list and what ONE theme it is.
1. Introduction
2. Love
3. Light
4. Dark
5. Seeking Solace
6. Break Away
7. Heaven
8. Innocence
9. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Mother Nature
23. Cat
24. No Time
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold My Hand
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
39. Dreams
40. Rated
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still
43. Dying
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation
48. Childhood
49. Stripes
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Sport
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping a Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic
63. Do Not Disturb
64. Multitasking
65. Horror
66. Traps
67. Playing the Melody
68. Hero
69. Annoyance 70. 67%
71. Obsession
72. Mischief Managed
73. I Can't
74. Are You Challenging Me?
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces
77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation
80. Words
81. Pen and Paper
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral
86. Seeing Red
87. Food
88. Pain
89. Through the Fire
90. Triangle
91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Advertisement
96. In the Storm
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation

Monday, October 23, 2006

How early is too early?

Halloween is just around the corner and to my horror I have found that many of the shops have already got their christmas grottos up and running, Personally I feel its a bit early for it. I suppose sales are sales. =/
What do you think?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Working On Everything at once =)

This is a possible layout for a painting I am planning, If anyone has any comments about the layout specifically please let me know. Each character is going to have a themed costume so i dont want the image too overcrowded, yet i dont really want to paint an empty room either =/ suggestions welcome.

Well I have been Awol for a while now, My PC problems have been 1/2 resolved, not 100% yet but getting there =) and I'm getting a new router from BT we phoned up to ask about something else entirely and I mentioned I was thinking about going back to an older provider I had used (mostly so I could take over the bill from my Mum) and they gave us a great deal to stay and threw in the router etc as well. so I am going to pay the SKY bill instead =) the upgrade stuff should be arriving in the next week or so.

In addition I have been off work with the worst Cold/throat infection I have had in years it was one of those sneaky ones that turned up at 6am on monday with no warning, I hadnt even seen anyone with a cold. I'm hoping to go back tomorro as it left my workmates kinda shortstaffed. Prior to this I have been looking at joining the Association of Illustrators as an Associate Member (meaning I have training but only a small number of clients so far, if I get more work I can upgrade to full meber status) And also after speaking with Shell Livewire ( a help resource for starting up your own business) I am hoping to get myself organised to actually trade as an Illustrator/Cartoonist officially (namely telling the correct people so I don't get fined)

I was hoping to go to a confrence about the Childrens book industry mid november but currently while I can afford the flights to London I havent organised somewhere to stay yet, I'll Blog more on that if I am definately going =)

Catch you laters Aligators.

P.S some interesting Links:

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Halloween Theme for October =) A few friends will recognise this from last years cards.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Personification of the PC.

Over the last few weeks, or really for the last few months, some of my less computer minded friends have been querying a habit I have of assigning a personality to my computer and other tecnical equipment. I have to admit I have no idea why I do it, but it seems natural to me to see a personality in these machienes. For example the PC at work seems sluggish and slightly petulant, it dislikes music and approves of word. It may be these traits are easily explained by the hardware and software installed, I just prefer to think in personality terms, it makes it easier for me to see how the PC could catch a virus.

Anyway, A few links of note,

www.anapproach.blogspot.com - a great art blog, well worth a look.
www.samuel-michlap.blogspot.com - Art blog.

www.audible.co.uk - for those ineterested in audiobooks.
www.illustrationfriday.com - a weekly theme to sketch, everyone welcome.

Ill be back with more laters =)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Allo Again. PC has still died the death.

long time no post =)
Sadly My home computer is still dead to the world it has resisted all attempts to resurect it. I have to say that this is not through a lack of trying to fix it and grateful thanks go to a friend who has been helping me on this as I still would'nt have any idea what was wrong in the first place if he had'nt helped me.
I have regretfully come to the decision that I need a new tower as my PC was bought in 2001 it has become difficult to get replacment parts ( I have been informed that the industry standards have changed.) There is the possibility of e-bay but I have no desire to risk money when the PC may still not work at the end of it. My software engineer of a cousin has reccomended buying a new Tower (only the tower as my monitor is still fab) this has yelded suprising results as in order to replace all the broken parts with the equivelents (to be able to run heavy graphics) it would cost me about £500 ish whereas if I get a base only deal from somewhere like PC world its only going to cost me about £300 and I can upgrtade that to be what i want for about another £100.... still less than the repairs were going to cost. Wierd.
On another note I have lots of work to post but until I solve the PC dilema its not going to get here anytime soon... well maybe this weekend I will get something organised...

Any recomendations for the PC dilema?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Poor PC saga...

Well as I mentioned in my last post my PC wouldnt turn on. so after replacing the case we have now discovered that it motherboard is dodo like, or should I say extinct. no scorch marks on it, just Dodo'd so a friend has been soursing a replacement for me, needless to say other than when in work I shall be offline, I can check my e-mail via my Mobile Phone (a neat trick I only just found out about =) ) and Shall return as soon as I can as my poor website is also in stasis for now, just when I promised it a new look. =/

Anyway catch you laters Aligators.


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ah well...

Have just discovered that 2 simalar posts actually have been posted. I'm going to leave them both up, when I tried to post on the 29th I got loadsa errors and thought it hadnt worked. Hence Attempt 3.

3rd Try Lucky I hope.

Hoping I get to post this today =)
I am currently working on the site update, however my plans have been slightly stalled due to home computer problems. =/ this post has been added from my work PC. I got home yesterday to discover that the PC would not turn on. I have checked all the obvious ones like see if its plugged in etc, and have narrowed it down to loose wires in the on off switch in the tower. hopefully this will be easy enough to fix, I just have to get to the shop when it is actually open.
to the left is a taster of what the site will look like. =) although the font may still change as I'm not 100% happy with this one. while I was getting the stock photos for this banner type image I also took a few photos of my workstation/studio. Since I have been following the rather cool Blog : http://www.on-my-desk.blogspot.com/ where artists, designers and creatives of all types have been posting their studio photos. Its facinating to me
to see what everyone else has been getting up to.
so here we go, my studio =) I use my light box for everything from Animating to
watercolours to fabric painting, and anything else I get interested in aswell. Under the desk is mostly storage of older work any my degree stuff (including a few thousand frames from the final film project =P ) My prefered paints are watercolours, I use a mix of pan and tubed varietys. As you can see I have nearly covered the walls wilt both my own work and some which i find inspirational (actually only my own are visable for some reason)
I have a limited view as my neighbours hedge is impressive although its a great light source for checking colours. To the Left of the desk I Have another one set up with all my PC related Parafinalia, scanners etc. You can see under the art desk the scanner printer.
Anyway thats all for now and I'll be back once I get the On/Off switch working again at home. =P

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

For the moment anyway....

I have removed the old site in its entireity from my domain and am still working on the new one, a taster is available below and at www.celticdragonstudios.co.uk


I have also been doing some random sketches that I thought I would add here in the meantime. the first was originally a sketch but I liked the layout so upgraded her to watercolours, the mermaid on the right was a sketch in my notebook, done in conte crayon, she has been scanned and then coloured in the PC, the ripple overlay is from a stock photo recently aquired free with a computer magazine.

I found a site not long ago which I loved the idea of,
so I have taken a few photos of my own to show my workspace. =)

firstly the general clutter shot showing the Lightbox, just to the left of this shot I have my PC set up however my Mum was using it at the time to check her email so its been edited out at her request. I may post more photos later.
Another shot of the same space along with the wall I use for display and inspiration.
My beloved Lightbox and watercolours etc set up beside it. I use this for almost all of my drawing and painting work, once you get used to working on the slope it is far more comfortable to work on these, also its primary purpose was animation in its traditional form from my degree, now it gets used for just about everything.
a selection of my painting meterials, primaraly watercolours (some acrylic hiding at the left edge).

In general my desk is reasonably tidy and tends to get cleaned often due to my habit of spilling watercolour mixes. =)

Well I hope any readers have been suitably amused,

Ciao laters,


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Site will take longer than planned.

Yes even though the first run through of the site is currently running, I have recieved some good advice regarding how to deal with the layout and design, and to overall improve the viewing experience. so while I am working on that the temp site will remain up. =) hopefully it wont take me too long to finish.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Just wanted to add these images =)

August Rains and Rains =)

Well its been a soggy month hasn't it, as a motorcyclist this has meant a lot more washing as I have been being soaked more regularly. As a dog owner it strangely means I have to force the Dog out of the house as he doesn't like getting his paws wet, rosie as always is happy as long as there are birds to chase particularity Sea gulls.

Did you know that a large proportion of the population may be wheat intolerant and not know about it? It seems I am one of them, it severely limits what you can eat (especially for breakfast) but the difference to my energy levels and such has been amazing,within 2 weeks avoiding wheat I've gone from being permanently half asleep to reasonably alert =P , I feel its worth cutting it out alltogether. Although I will miss Pizza.

I have now completed a first aid course with St Johns Ambulance, so am the official first aider within my workplace, when at home it is more likely to be my Mum who is the trained professional. Ironically the course I have done has just been updated so I'm already out of date.

I have been trying to organise my Graphics/Illustration freelancing more effectively so am thinking of registering/starting up a company so I can keep those sort of payments more seperate, and hopefully I will then be able to tell if I can afford to cut down on my 9-5 job to increase the freelance stuff. hopefully more on this later.

I have fallen in love with Tablet PC's the ones which look like a normal laptop but the screens twist around to be used like a graphics tablet, I've even sorted out a saving schedule to try and get myself one. =) I'm hooked.

I am currently working on a new website design for www.celticdragonstudios.co.uk although I haven't quite ironed out the bugs so not all of it is properly online yet, so watch this space. I plan to have completed it by this weekend so that I can then do a bit of a upload for new images in the gallery, I have a folder full of them waiting on my PC.

One of my Best friends has moved into her new house (after months of redecoration it seemed) and she is having her moving in party this saturday so hopefully thats going to go well for her, i'm still working on a Pressy for her.

Anyhow thats me mostly up to date so,
see you laters Aligators! =)


Monday, July 24, 2006

A Quick Recap...

... A lot has happened since my last post. Not all of it good either.
I lost my Gran to her cancer, and even though its sad and I miss her a lot, she was in so much pain it was nearly kinder for her to slip away when she did. Yet I feel guilty for even thinking that. She was a wonderful old lady although she did have a good temper when annoyed. Not to mention she made the most wonderful cakes and pavlovas. =)

I live in Northern Ireland and on the 12th of July every year the Orangemen March, depending on how political you are this takes on various meanings, however I find it entertaining as its sort of a parade and always makes me think of going on holiday as we either went just befor the 12th or just after.

I saw Pirates of the Carribean 2, wonderful special effects but an abrupt ending, hopefully it wont take too long before the 3rd one is released.
Incedentally 'the break up' is very disapointing not to mention I found it very dull, and rather predictable.

Sill to see: the new superman, the lake house, and stormbreaker.

Madness strikes, I have already started to make my christmas presents. hopefully I will complete them all on time this year =D.

I'm currently planning out if i can afford to go to Annesy next June for the animation festival, hopefully my sums will make the ancwer yes. although i'm not sure yet.

Passed my car theory test on 14th waiting for a practical test date at the moment.

have 3 possible comissions in acrylic, more on this later.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Motorbike doodles finished. Watercolours &cg.

Kitty Cat on A motorcycle. =) this was done for a friends Birthday present so I hope he got it in the post safely(his birthday was around easter time so it was done a while ago =P) .

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tuesday Blatherings

So my scanner is droning on in the corner attempting to import the pictures I want to post here. and Man is it going slow.

While I'm waiting... The Suprise I mentioned in the last post, it was a party for my Aunt and Uncle (Ruby Wedding Anniversary) and my Cousin (their Daughter) Organised a suprise Garden party which was a resounding success, all the guests had their tasks allotted as to who brought food who drinks and who the chairs and plates... My Aunt and Uncle are the only people I know of that you can spring somethiong like that on with less than 12 hours notice and the garden is still going to be perfect. stunning even.

On to todays Sketches...

Image 1.
Pencil Sketch and I'm pretty happy as to how this one turned out, even with her killer Grin. =)

Image 2.
Based on a character from the book Wicked
(regarding the life and times of the wicked witch of the west)

and lastly copies of the presents I gave my Aunt and Uncle:

And a few doodles too...

Friday, June 30, 2006

More Links and a Reccomendation. =)

Ipod still a success and I have come to an agree to disagree arrangement with I-tunes. So In other news... A Suprise looms nearer.... I shall clarify on monday and tell all =)

regarding good websites / blogs i have found more =)

http://www.cartoonbrew.com/ COMMENTARY ON ANIMATION LINKS
http://cartooncreation.blogspot.com/ THE CONSTELLATIONS
http://sevencamels.blogspot.com/STORYBOARD ARTIST TELLS ALL
http://thefirehousestomp.blogspot.com/ ANIMATORS STORY
http://drawingboard.org/blogs/?u=theatomicterrier ART BLOG AND GOOD LINKS
http://blackwingdiaries.blogspot.com/ ANIMATOR AND GLEN KEANE FAN
http://www.michaelbarrier.com/index.html DISCUSSIONS ON ANIMATION
http://funnycute.blogspot.com/ STRANGE GIRLS
http://cartoonmodern.blogsome.com/ DISCUSSING ANIMATION
http://uncleeddiestheorycorner.blogspot.com/ WELL WORTH THE READ

Ill add the web site list later.
a brilliant artist I have discovered through my Blog trawling is 'Rodolphe Guenoden' to see what I mean go here: http://www.rodguen.com/ I love the mix of styles this guy has and hope everyone else go's to have a look the misc section is especially funny.

Ta Ta for now....

Monday, June 12, 2006

The I-Pod Saga.

So I got an I-Pod 30gb last thurs.
First impressions were good, the apperance is slick and well designed (down to the very swish packaging), there are a few niggles I'm not so happy with.

Firstly the only Instructions I recieved with the I-Pod was a 'Quick start guide' and it leaves a lot out if you have not Had an I-Pod before, Or have not used I-Tunes in your life. (Previously I was a windows media player junkie, it had everything I required at the time =) )

As I was saying I-tunes.

It took over my pc for 3 days while it converted all of my normal music files into ones it could deal with. And unamusingly it cant seem to recognise if it already had imported somthing, if for example the PC crashes half way through the conversion, it starts from the begining again and you end up with lots of duplicates, and I mean lots.
So once everything was converted I tried to cleanup the files. this caused the actual files on the harddrive to get better as there were no duplicates anymore but i-tunes still had them in the library file, so far I havent forund a cleanup option the only way to solve it seems to be manually removing each duplicate track from the library list. Be warned that this happens and is a pain to clean up after it.

Also the strangest glitch I have found is the lack of a delete function on the I-Pod itself so if you want rid of a track you HAVE to connect it to a PC/MAC running I-tunes. Originally I thought this must be a fault just on my Ipod, until I discovered masses of data on the internet detailing the same problem. This hasnt made me any less pleased with the Ipod as a device just baffled regarding the programming.

True to the publicity the I-Pod has my entire music collection from the PC and is not yet half full so far so good. the external drive option works like a charm, and the screen quality for slideshows of photos is unbelieveable. I have yet to test the Video function as I have not yet discovered a video file that the Pod will play ( needs to be a specific format apparently) and am still looking for a way to convert the videos I already have to the correct format. I'll report later on if its a success or not.

Overall the I-Pod is great, its got a lovely slick design and a brilliant quality to the playback. the Complementay case is fine but will be replaced asap as its difficult to get the Ipod out again =) nice looking though. the I-Pods own interface is nice and intuitive it takes literally 3 second if that to work out how it works. I-tunes is a different story =) but i'm working on it.

One of the cool side effects which I hadn't known before I got the Pod was with a simple connector a camera can be downloaded into it when traveling. a definiate plus point =)

Happy with the Pod and dealing with Itunes.

More later. =P

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Todays forcast

Question- Who doodles on the phone?
Ancwer - Nearly everyone I know.

I feel I need to change jobs, the one I am in is driving me mad. Its not that its difficult more that there are no calls to deal with during the summer and we literally sit staring at the phone in case some one calls. Sounds like a cushy job right? not so. we are not permitted to browse the internet while waiting, nor are we allowed to read a book or simalar, and my only method of retaining my sainty, doodling, has now been banned as well. so either I change jobs soon or slit my wrists from abject boredom.Its not even as if doodling was interfering with my job preformance, if it was I could understand a little better, no apparently its untidy. In an office where customers never actually appear and the place is falling apart anyway, I cant draw because its messy. personally I feel it may be more to do with the fact that out of the 10 people working here i am the only one who can draw and my doodles are generally recocnisable so perhaps its envy? its really annoying. The agent in questiuon who has made the decree is making my blood boil as is seems to be fine for her to sit and read Hello magazine but I cant doodle to keep myself alert. Bugger that.

Enough of my rant, it was something which had to be said somewhere and since no one reads
this its safe enough to leave my temper tantrum here.

Anyway, in other news....

I am hoping to start a sketch club in Northern Ireland, specifically within the Belfast/Bangor area, and i was out last night at a cafe in Bangor scoping it out as a prospective starting site, its good for the idea has nice big windows so that the next taregt can be spotted etc, however its a smallish place so a group of artists who buy 1 coffee each and then take over all the seating for the evening might not go down too well with the owners, a good and easily accessable starting place but not a venue. more research is needed. I'll post the sketches I did there once they are scanned, I was actualy happy with them for once. =)

Again for personal development I am thinking of doing a life drawing session this weekend, although not so sure if I should go to a class or just take myself down to the seafront here in Bangor, since the forcast is for a heat wave I might do that and save myself £40 quid from the lesson.

Also the sea front path has the most beautiful flowers at the moment, see photo for an example, this is one of the first ones out.

So this is an older sketch done with coloured pencils on a blue/grey page, Chicken Licken? can anyone remember the story of chicken licken? all i remember is the name. =)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Half the family's birthdays within 1 month.

Hi again, this very poor fuzzy photo shows the painting I gave my dad for his birthday, I shall endevor to get a clearer shot the next time I visit him.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My depressed genie for commentary please, on the offchance someone has found this site. =)

Monday, May 29, 2006

29/05/06In other news....It was my birthday on sat just gone (27th) and I have to say it was the strangest one I have had (in my memory), not bad, just odd. First off we had to take my dog rosie to the vets to have her stitches removed, appointment at 10.45am, we didn't get to see the vet till after 12.00. so all that time was spent loitering in the waiting area and restraining rosie when she saw a cat, although that ended well for the cat and badly for rosie, I think it was the first cat she has met close up. once we got to the vet it took her less than 3 minutes to deal with the stitches, and we escaped outside to discover there was an orangeman parade in town that day, around about an hour was spent avoiding that. =/ An interesting day so far. the evening went far better, a load of friends and family over for pizza and then 6 of us scarpered to the cinema for X-Men 3 (Opinion is yet to be finalised on the film) overall a good day if slightly odd.
I set up a DVD rental on Amazon on friday, and I was pleasantly suprised to find the first dvd arrived early on sat, exceptional service so far. =)

Acrylic painting is progressing although its proving more difficult than I thought it would be since I have used the medium extensively before, admittedly previously I have always used a very large scale on walls and such, so working smaller was a challenge. I may retreat to watercolours for the next piece.

Over and out.....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Slowly Improving. =)

News Bits:

*One small brown furry dog has been to the Vet and now has purple feet and a white Lampshade like contraption on her head. Photos Coming soon.
*The car has broken down due to damaged front breaks. think we get it back on friday 26th.
*YAY it’s my birthday on Saturday and I am Dragging some friends to x-men 3. (they may resist =) )
*Acrylic painting has been rediscovered in the Celtic dragon studio and a learning curve has been established, photos to follow.
*Plans have been made to get back into Life Drawing, as I feel I need to get the practice in, although in the meantime I am thinking of going into town on sat am and drawing random pedestrians who will hopefully be unaware. A coffee shop may be involved somewhere here if it rains.
*watercolor sketches are in progress to get me back into the swing of things and so I can
finally get Urd's painting finished (am feeling v guilty its taken so long)
*Considering applying for a place in a 5 week Course run at the Ulster university which
seems to want to help start up your business or at least help you help yourself start up.... I feel I need to read more on this before progressing any further.

In general life is getting better, for a while there I felt EVERYTHING was jinxed but I realized that all needed was to concentrate or focus on an objective, what exactly I want to do. I want to improve and I want to make my art profitable or at the very least to pay for itself, in order to do that I feel I have to be more single minded and paint/create more regularly and professionally. Since I graduated I have been applying for any graphics post I see which fits my qualifications, sadly I am faced with catch 22. they all want experience, how do you get experience when all the starter jobs are looking for you to already have experience.
A tricky one methinks.
So any suggestions are welcome, particularly if they are constructive. =)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Returning to the Rat Race...

After 4 blissfull days off, i have returned to work to discover, due to nice weather the phones are dead quiet. so I may resort to tidying out my desk to pass the time.

A quick update on my activities for the past few days,
*Complete re-design of my main site, www.celticdragonstudios.co.uk although this is not yet perfect it is an improvement, and I am continuing to work on it.
*My skills at canine therapy are improving as I have been looking after my Mums dog while she is on holiday, he was not originally very happy about this (he is really a 1 person dog) he has come to terms with his loss and has stopped howling.
*Watched 'Howls Moving Castle' for the third time and I swear it just gets better.
*Made a start on cleaning the house for Mums return on Saturday.
*Scared off a door to door sales man using a jackrussle who conveniently was barking *lots* from behind the door.

Anyway today is a beautiful day, strictly speaking too nice to be indoors working, so providing that it stays sunny I am going to take the dogs to the beach when I get home. =)

Over and out for now.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Today has been a combination of ridiculously dull and really irratating mixed up and rolled out again. To start things off with I slept in, only by 15 minutes but it always throws me off my stride, I made it to work fine and the mornings calls were fine nothing terrible, but just enough niggles that you couldn't relax. the afternoon however has been a mess mixed with a disaster, its not even worth talking about here, Office politics are an anoying and unessasary thing and normally only cause more problems and grumbles that there were before the politics became involved.

In other news I am shattered and due to the nearly torrential rain and thunderstorms for the last few days I have been soaked on my way home every evening so far, which I will admitt is mostly my fault for driving a motorcycle (which I love) and since it is open air transport it is an obvious fact that when it rains I get wet.(although lorry drivers could TRY and mis those deep puddles beside me instead of laughing their heads off )

Anyway the evening should be better i am going to watch Howls moving castle again.

Over and out.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Redecorating Trauma

Apoligies for the lack of updates I have been delayed because of my dog. this sounds, I know, like the traditional 'the dog ate my homework' so I shall explain. We have 2 dogs, both are rescued hounds, the first one is Sam who has a few portraits in my gallery here and is exceptionally well behaved, he is my mums dog (naturally) then more recently my mum heard about another dog who needed a home and knew I wanted a 2nd dog, enter Rosie. Now Rosie is a wonderful dog and everyone loves her on sight, she and sam are inseperable and devoted to each other but in no way could you say she is well behaved. so far the most noteable of her destructive fits have occoured when we are out, and this has cost us the hall carpet and 1/2 of the kitchen lino (shredded) ironically even if given dog chews she prefers the lino.This means that I have spent all my spare time and money for the last 2 weeks redecorating the hall and attempting to dogproof our flat. yet I still adore my dog, she is too cute not to adore her, and she is getting better as we have been letting sam set an example and are nearing success with the whole house training idea (btw she is a very small mongrel who looks like an Alsation which has been hit with a shrink ray) The whole exercise has put me extreemly behind schedule on several personal pieces such as updating and improving my website and working on my proposed webcomic (to be) Our hallway actually looks better for the face lift and now has sanded and stained wood floors (also waterproofed) which should hopefully be less appitising to Rosie. Anyway thankyou for your patience and I'll be back soon.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

grumble grumble

I have to say today has not been the best of days, so far anyway, at my workplace we suffer on tuesdays from those 'irratating' or 'nigglily' callers who normally are just waisting time, While monday is by far the busiest in call volume tuesday is worse in stress levels. not the best of days. Any how I have been sketching away in my spare time and will be posting some updates later on. Until then any curious visitors are welcome to check my homepage, http://www.celticdragonstudios.co.uk or my deviant art web page, http://morag.deviantart.com comments or suggestions are welcome as always.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Hello, Hi and Aloha to any visitors.

Hi, Im Ann and This is the first post on my Blog, i feel i should warn you that while my spelling has been improving i have never really come to terms with grammer, hopefully this too will improve, Primarialy I am an Animator/Illustrator, however due to these nasty things called bills i also work in a tepephone sales team while i wait for my chance to blow the socks of the Northern Irish art industry, Until then i'll keep trying =) anyhow i plan to post random sketches here and all feedback is welcome.

Ann. (aka Celtic Dragon)