Well I have been Awol for a while now, My PC problems have been 1/2 resolved, not 100% yet but getting there =) and I'm getting a new router from BT we phoned up to ask about something else entirely and I mentioned I was thinking about going back to an older provider I had used (mostly so I could take over the bill from my Mum) and they gave us a great deal to stay and threw in the router etc as well. so I am going to pay the SKY bill instead =) the upgrade stuff should be arriving in the next week or so.
In addition I have been off work with the worst Cold/throat infection I have had in years it was one of those sneaky ones that turned up at 6am on monday with no warning, I hadnt even seen anyone with a cold. I'm hoping to go back tomorro as it left my workmates kinda shortstaffed. Prior to this I have been looking at joining the Association of Illustrators as an Associate Member (meaning I have training but only a small number of clients so far, if I get more work I can upgrade to full meber status) And also after speaking with Shell Livewire ( a help resource for starting up your own business) I am hoping to get myself organised to actually trade as an Illustrator/Cartoonist officially (namely telling the correct people so I don't get fined)
I was hoping to go to a confrence about the Childrens book industry mid november but currently while I can afford the flights to London I havent organised somewhere to stay yet, I'll Blog more on that if I am definately going =)
Catch you laters Aligators.
P.S some interesting Links:
Found your blog from the drawing board and have a comment for your layout. Here's my two cents worth. The placment of the girls is good in that it shows depth to the bar and the room does not look empty. There is deffently a story being told here with just the layout so far. I'm interested in knowing what is going on, who these women are, and what is going to happen next. My onl crit would be to take the girl in green and make her bigger in the forground. Make her head fill up the top halve of the left side of the layout so we can see her reaction to what is going on in the midground with the two red girls and the blue one. the bottom halve is for her body so you still get some of her body, so you can use it to help tell the story. This is really good and I will be checking back to see the progress of the painting.
Keep it up
Thanks for the critique =) The plan for this particular piece is really to showcase some costume design, each character will have a 'fancy' dress costume of some kind and they will be sort of sizing each other up as to whose is the best one. In addition its for me to get some practice on perspective as that's one of my weakest areas! I really apreciate you commenting and as i progress with this piece i'll be glad to get your opinion =)
Ann aka the Celtic Dragon.
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