29/05/06In other news....It was my birthday on sat just gone (27th) and I have to say it was the strangest one I have had (in my memory), not bad, just odd. First off we had to take my dog rosie to the vets to have her stitches removed, appointment at 10.45am, we didn't get to see the vet till after 12.00. so all that time was spent loitering in the waiting area and restraining rosie when she saw a cat, although that ended well for the cat and badly for rosie, I think it was the first cat she has met close up. once we got to the vet it took her less than 3 minutes to deal with the stitches, and we escaped outside to discover there was an orangeman parade in town that day, around about an hour was spent avoiding that. =/ An interesting day so far. the evening went far better, a load of friends and family over for pizza and then 6 of us scarpered to the cinema for X-Men 3 (Opinion is yet to be finalised on the film) overall a good day if slightly odd.
I set up a DVD rental on Amazon on friday, and I was pleasantly suprised to find the first dvd arrived early on sat, exceptional service so far. =)
Acrylic painting is progressing although its proving more difficult than I thought it would be since I have used the medium extensively before, admittedly previously I have always used a very large scale on walls and such, so working smaller was a challenge. I may retreat to watercolours for the next piece.
Over and out.....
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