My first long weekend without anything major planned =) and it was great! although admittedly I didn't just sit around doing nothing, We Blitzed the house so we shouldn't have to do that again for a while. I arranged for a dog behaviourist to visit (later today actually) just to check if its something I'm doing wrong that's making Rosie bark so much, I've rebuild over 1/2 of my website and it should be online again by this evening =) long time no see or what! Additionally I have sorted out my room so that I can use the laptop in here in comfort (just testing the new layout this minute =P ) And lastly we finally put up the shelves we bought a few weeks ago. Its nice I feel like I really accomplished something this weekend.

So I didn't actually paint this this month, but I've not posted it yet and comments are always welcome. =) Its a sketch/watercolour of my dogs as I see them. Sam the white one is a bit of a scaredy cat but dos'nt like anyone to know, and Rosie (brown and fluffy) is the nosyest dog we have ever had, I swear she would jump off a clif just to see what was at the bottom. She has a bit of a barking problem that I'm hoping to sort out sooner rather than later.
Over and Out for now.
Ann aka Dragon.
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