Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Aloha and good Evening =)

Another random post is due I think. Firstly I'm reccomending that if you havent already heard them that you check out 'Banjaxxed' by Black-Sookie. I found it very entertaining, in other news they are having an album release night tomorrow evening, sadly I will be at work so will miss it, looks like fun though =)

For more information please Google them or Google 'Belfast Unbound' (the guys organising the evening).

The Children in need evening was a blast aswell, the Peter Kay Animated album really ought to make it to #1 for shear laughs value.

Finished reading 'Kingdom come' (Mard Ward and Alex Ross) heavy plot but wonderful artwork and once you get your head around the concepts a good read, if a tiny bit depressing...

Possibly will post again soon, possibly not. Its the run up to christmas and I work in a toy shop, i may have gone insane instead =)

Ciao later Aligators,

Ann aka Dragon.

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