Monday, October 23, 2006

How early is too early?

Halloween is just around the corner and to my horror I have found that many of the shops have already got their christmas grottos up and running, Personally I feel its a bit early for it. I suppose sales are sales. =/
What do you think?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Working On Everything at once =)

This is a possible layout for a painting I am planning, If anyone has any comments about the layout specifically please let me know. Each character is going to have a themed costume so i dont want the image too overcrowded, yet i dont really want to paint an empty room either =/ suggestions welcome.

Well I have been Awol for a while now, My PC problems have been 1/2 resolved, not 100% yet but getting there =) and I'm getting a new router from BT we phoned up to ask about something else entirely and I mentioned I was thinking about going back to an older provider I had used (mostly so I could take over the bill from my Mum) and they gave us a great deal to stay and threw in the router etc as well. so I am going to pay the SKY bill instead =) the upgrade stuff should be arriving in the next week or so.

In addition I have been off work with the worst Cold/throat infection I have had in years it was one of those sneaky ones that turned up at 6am on monday with no warning, I hadnt even seen anyone with a cold. I'm hoping to go back tomorro as it left my workmates kinda shortstaffed. Prior to this I have been looking at joining the Association of Illustrators as an Associate Member (meaning I have training but only a small number of clients so far, if I get more work I can upgrade to full meber status) And also after speaking with Shell Livewire ( a help resource for starting up your own business) I am hoping to get myself organised to actually trade as an Illustrator/Cartoonist officially (namely telling the correct people so I don't get fined)

I was hoping to go to a confrence about the Childrens book industry mid november but currently while I can afford the flights to London I havent organised somewhere to stay yet, I'll Blog more on that if I am definately going =)

Catch you laters Aligators.

P.S some interesting Links:

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Halloween Theme for October =) A few friends will recognise this from last years cards.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Personification of the PC.

Over the last few weeks, or really for the last few months, some of my less computer minded friends have been querying a habit I have of assigning a personality to my computer and other tecnical equipment. I have to admit I have no idea why I do it, but it seems natural to me to see a personality in these machienes. For example the PC at work seems sluggish and slightly petulant, it dislikes music and approves of word. It may be these traits are easily explained by the hardware and software installed, I just prefer to think in personality terms, it makes it easier for me to see how the PC could catch a virus.

Anyway, A few links of note,

BLOGS - a great art blog, well worth a look. - Art blog.

WWW - for those ineterested in audiobooks. - a weekly theme to sketch, everyone welcome.

Ill be back with more laters =)