I have been looking for a better job for the last 2 or more months (actively that is, looking in general for the last 12 months!). Its been unplesant, for a basic job I keep being told I am over educated and because of that am not asked for interview, then for the ones my qualifications are relivant I regularily get interviewed and have wonderful feedback but always am passed over for not having enough experience. Its begining to drive me mad. My current job is what you could call a dead end job, no possible ways to increase pay or get promoted, yet the ones where I could progress as long as I am happy to start at the bottom (which for the right job I am happy to start at the bottom) tell me I am overqualified. Its a good job that my view on all of it is Try, Try and Try again. My freelancing is going well and I am getting more commissions as time passes, Its a slow process but I feel its more than worth it. So to anyone else who is job hunting for whatever reason, The best of luck with it! and keep going you will find what you want eventually.
Ann AkA Dragon.