Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Ah well...
Have just discovered that 2 simalar posts actually have been posted. I'm going to leave them both up, when I tried to post on the 29th I got loadsa errors and thought it hadnt worked. Hence Attempt 3.
3rd Try Lucky I hope.
I am currently working on the site update, however my plans have been slightly stalled due to home computer problems. =/ this post has been added from my work PC. I got home yesterday to discover that the PC would not turn on. I have checked all the obvious ones like see if its plugged in etc, and have narrowed it down to loose wires in the on off switch in the tower. hopefully this will be easy enough to fix, I just have to get to the shop when it is actually open.
to the left is a taster of what the site will look like. =) although the font may still change as I'm not 100% happy with this one. while I was getting the stock photos for this banner type image I also took a few photos of my workstation/studio. Since I have been following the rather cool Blog : where artists, designers and creatives of all types have been posting their studio photos. Its facinating to me to see what everyone else has been getting up to.
so here we go, my studio =) I use my light box for everything from Animating to
watercolours to fabric painting, and anything else I get interested in aswell. Under the desk is mostly storage of older work any my degree stuff (including a few thousand frames from the final film project =P ) My prefered paints are watercolours, I use a mix of pan and tubed varietys. As you can see I have nearly covered the walls wilt both my own work and some which i find inspirational (actually only my own are visable for some reason)
I have a limited view as my neighbours hedge is impressive although its a great light source for checking colours. To the Left of the desk I Have another one set up with all my PC related Parafinalia, scanners etc. You can see under the art desk the scanner printer.
Anyway thats all for now and I'll be back once I get the On/Off switch working again at home. =P
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
For the moment anyway....
I have removed the old site in its entireity from my domain and am still working on the new one, a taster is available below and at


I have also been doing some random sketches that I thought I would add here in the meantime. the first was originally a sketch but I liked the layout so upgraded her to watercolours, the mermaid on the right was a sketch in my notebook, done in conte crayon, she has been scanned and then coloured in the PC, the ripple overlay is from a stock photo recently aquired free with a computer magazine.
I found a site not long ago which I loved the idea of,
so I have taken a few photos of my own to show my workspace. =)
Another shot of the same space along with the wall I use for display and inspiration.
My beloved Lightbox and watercolours etc set up beside it. I use this for almost all of my drawing and painting work, once you get used to working on the slope it is far more comfortable to work on these, also its primary purpose was animation in its traditional form from my degree, now it gets used for just about everything.
a selection of my painting meterials, primaraly watercolours (some acrylic hiding at the left edge).


I have also been doing some random sketches that I thought I would add here in the meantime. the first was originally a sketch but I liked the layout so upgraded her to watercolours, the mermaid on the right was a sketch in my notebook, done in conte crayon, she has been scanned and then coloured in the PC, the ripple overlay is from a stock photo recently aquired free with a computer magazine.
I found a site not long ago which I loved the idea of,
so I have taken a few photos of my own to show my workspace. =)

In general my desk is reasonably tidy and tends to get cleaned often due to my habit of spilling watercolour mixes. =)
Well I hope any readers have been suitably amused,
Ciao laters,
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Site will take longer than planned.
Yes even though the first run through of the site is currently running, I have recieved some good advice regarding how to deal with the layout and design, and to overall improve the viewing experience. so while I am working on that the temp site will remain up. =) hopefully it wont take me too long to finish.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
August Rains and Rains =)
Well its been a soggy month hasn't it, as a motorcyclist this has meant a lot more washing as I have been being soaked more regularly. As a dog owner it strangely means I have to force the Dog out of the house as he doesn't like getting his paws wet, rosie as always is happy as long as there are birds to chase particularity Sea gulls.
Did you know that a large proportion of the population may be wheat intolerant and not know about it? It seems I am one of them, it severely limits what you can eat (especially for breakfast) but the difference to my energy levels and such has been amazing,within 2 weeks avoiding wheat I've gone from being permanently half asleep to reasonably alert =P , I feel its worth cutting it out alltogether. Although I will miss Pizza.
I have now completed a first aid course with St Johns Ambulance, so am the official first aider within my workplace, when at home it is more likely to be my Mum who is the trained professional. Ironically the course I have done has just been updated so I'm already out of date.
I have been trying to organise my Graphics/Illustration freelancing more effectively so am thinking of registering/starting up a company so I can keep those sort of payments more seperate, and hopefully I will then be able to tell if I can afford to cut down on my 9-5 job to increase the freelance stuff. hopefully more on this later.
I have fallen in love with Tablet PC's the ones which look like a normal laptop but the screens twist around to be used like a graphics tablet, I've even sorted out a saving schedule to try and get myself one. =) I'm hooked.
I am currently working on a new website design for although I haven't quite ironed out the bugs so not all of it is properly online yet, so watch this space. I plan to have completed it by this weekend so that I can then do a bit of a upload for new images in the gallery, I have a folder full of them waiting on my PC.
One of my Best friends has moved into her new house (after months of redecoration it seemed) and she is having her moving in party this saturday so hopefully thats going to go well for her, i'm still working on a Pressy for her.
Anyhow thats me mostly up to date so,
see you laters Aligators! =)
Did you know that a large proportion of the population may be wheat intolerant and not know about it? It seems I am one of them, it severely limits what you can eat (especially for breakfast) but the difference to my energy levels and such has been amazing,within 2 weeks avoiding wheat I've gone from being permanently half asleep to reasonably alert =P , I feel its worth cutting it out alltogether. Although I will miss Pizza.
I have now completed a first aid course with St Johns Ambulance, so am the official first aider within my workplace, when at home it is more likely to be my Mum who is the trained professional. Ironically the course I have done has just been updated so I'm already out of date.
I have been trying to organise my Graphics/Illustration freelancing more effectively so am thinking of registering/starting up a company so I can keep those sort of payments more seperate, and hopefully I will then be able to tell if I can afford to cut down on my 9-5 job to increase the freelance stuff. hopefully more on this later.
I have fallen in love with Tablet PC's the ones which look like a normal laptop but the screens twist around to be used like a graphics tablet, I've even sorted out a saving schedule to try and get myself one. =) I'm hooked.
I am currently working on a new website design for although I haven't quite ironed out the bugs so not all of it is properly online yet, so watch this space. I plan to have completed it by this weekend so that I can then do a bit of a upload for new images in the gallery, I have a folder full of them waiting on my PC.
One of my Best friends has moved into her new house (after months of redecoration it seemed) and she is having her moving in party this saturday so hopefully thats going to go well for her, i'm still working on a Pressy for her.
Anyhow thats me mostly up to date so,
see you laters Aligators! =)
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